How to Request to Add a Game on F95 Zone?

F95 Zone is a popular adult gaming website that hosts a vast collection of games. The platform has a strong community of gamers who are always on the lookout for new and exciting games. If you are a game developer and want to showcase your game on F95 Zone, you need to request the website’s administrators to add your game to their collection. In this article, we will discuss how to request to add a game on F95 Zone.

Why Add Your Game to F95 Zone?

Before we dive into the steps involved in requesting to add your game to F95 Zone, let’s first understand why you should consider doing so. F95 Zone is a popular website with a vast user base, which means that your game can reach a significant number of players. Moreover, the website has a dedicated section for adult games, making it an ideal platform for showcasing your game to a specific audience.

Steps to Request to Add a Game on F95 Zone

  1. Create an account on F95 Zone: The first step to requesting to add your game to F95 Zone is to create an account on the website. You can do so by visiting the F95 Zone website and clicking on the “Register” button. Fill in the required details and create an account.
  2. Read the rules and regulations: F95 Zone has specific rules and regulations that game developers need to follow while uploading their games. Before you request to add your game, make sure you have read and understood these rules and regulations.
  3. Contact the moderators: Once you have created an account and read the rules, the next step is to contact the moderators. You can do so by clicking on the “Contact Us” button on the F95 Zone website. Fill in the required details and send your request to the moderators.
  4. Provide game details: In your request, make sure you provide all the necessary details about your game. This includes the game’s name, description, genre, game play, and any other relevant information. It’s also recommended to provide a link to the game’s website or download page.
  5. Wait for approval: Once you have submitted your request, you need to wait for the moderators to review it. This can take a few days, depending on the number of requests they receive. If your game meets all the requirements and follows the rules, it will be approved, and you will be notified.


Adding your game to F95 Zone can be an excellent way to reach a vast audience of gamers interested in adult games. However, it’s essential to follow the website’s rules and regulations and provide all the necessary details about your game while requesting to add it. By following these steps, you can increase your game’s visibility and reach a wider audience.

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