Christmas Traditions In The United States Of America

Christmas is a day of joy and happiness. It is celebrated by people all over the world on December 25, commemorating the birth of Nazareth’s Jesus. On this occasion, people send gifts to their loved ones and share their sentiments and love. A Pine or a Fir tree is decorated with candies and many other luminous objects and the most important a star at the top of the tree. The star is placed there to give a signal to Santa to drop gifts there. Nowadays, not only Christians but people from other religions also celebrate the festival with joy and pleasure. 

Christmas In USA

Americans, like numerous other people from different areas, developed their traditions and customs on the day of Christmas. And these are changing from time to time. Nowadays, most Americans combine the traditions of Christmas with their family customs and culture. The new custom of presenting gifts started to emerge in America in the 19th Century. People Send Christmas gifts online nowadays to their dear and near ones. 

Earlier in the 19th Century a new tradition of Santa Claus was spread widely. He was assumed to be a person of a jolly dispenser of gifts and has a pilot of reindeer. He is one of the most famous fictional characters for children.

Numerous traditions have grown from time to time some of the most famous ones are mentioned below:

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Delicious dinner

All the family members, even their ancestors were also called home and dishes like Roast turkey, ham, seafood salad, roast pork, tamales, roast goose with red cabbage, and crawfish jambalaya were prepared for dinner throughout the USA. 

Religious Occasion

In some parts of the country, Christmas is a religious occasion where people worship the father of their religion and pray to Jesus for a better and secure future. It is said that all wishes are fulfilled by Jesus on that day. Candles and Wine are presented to Jesus in Churches in a large number. 

Send Gifts

It is a well-known tradition of Christmas to send gifts filled with love and affection to loved ones. It is said that this gift can make their bonding unbreakable. Gifts like Christmas Candy Bouquets and Christmas Cookie Gift Baskets are given most. The tradition of sending gifts has emerged a lot from time to time. Nowadays in America, parents give their kids their wanted gifts, and the children believe that it is the Santa who presents them the gifts. 

Lanterns Of Candle

In most of the parts of the southwest, luminarias” people made lanterns of paper, especially of brown color filled with sand and illuminated by candles. These beautiful crafts are displayed on Christmas Eve as a symbol of Love. The. Beautiful lanterns blowing with candles make the view of Christmas Eve undesirable by words. 

Singing Songs And Surprise

Swedish Americans used to go from one house to another, singing the traditional and customs songs and hence surprising their friends and walking them early in the morning. But now this tradition is replaced by Christmas parties arranged in the central parks and someone’s house. 

Christmas Tree

Germans were the first to start the tradition of the Christmas tree in the 16th Century, but along with time it spread all over the world and became popular in the USA. Today, many Americans purchase a green tree or a plastic model and decorate it with luminous objects, lights, and ornaments. 

It is the place where gifts are kept on the early morning of 25th December by family members, and when the children find the amazing presents for them they thought Santa would come at night with his reindeer on our roof, land inside through the chimney, and place gifts for us. 

Christmas Cards

Christmas cards became popular during the 19th Century when people used to send these Christmas cards to their dear and near ones through self or courier. But now the trend has changed, paper cards take the shape of e-cards. Americans on average send around 17.2 Billion Christmas cards every year to their loved ones through EMails and other social media platforms.

Christmas Shopping

The shopping of Christma has grown as a tradition in America, it is now expanded as a season. Americans usually prefer to buy new appliances and products for their house and family during Christmas Eve because of the religious significance and discount during the occasion of Christmas and New Year. 

Mostly home appliances like TVs, Fridge, Washing Machine, Dryers, Ovens, and more are sold in bulk, and other appliances like mobile phones are purchased by almost all Americans. 

Charitable And Volunteer Works

Many Americans used to involve themselves in Charitable and Volunteer works including work in orphan houses and old age homes, providing food to beggars and Poors, cleaning the surroundings, Sterile Couples Adopting orphan children, helping needy peoples, and many more good works. They deeply believe that what they did Today will come to their life with double strength. 


Various people in America spend their Christmas Eve with their family at home watching TV programs like A Miracle on 34th Street, It’s Wonderful Life, Brown Christmas, and many more related to Christmas and listening to radio stations that adjust their formats to feature Christmas Music. 


The day of Christmas is celebrated with Joy and happiness all over the world. It is the day of love and affection, the day that is most liked by small kids because of Santa Claus. In America, the day is celebrated with many traditions grown by adding their customs. Many of the traditions are defined by us above. Let’s have a look and learn more about Christmas traditions In The USA. 

The day is celebrated on the 25th of December every year. You are celebrating the day with your family but what about orphans and poor people? We also need to care about them and this year we must add colors to their dark life 

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